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时间:2018-07-30 15:49:12 栏目:新闻


2018.7.29  周日











Last night, I went out for drinks with a coworker. It took me waaaaayyy too long to realize it was kind of a date and I was real awkward about it.


So, I am a server. Yesterday, I worked a 12-hour double with this dude server. He doesn't talk a lot (English isn't his first language) but he's friendly with me. He and I would joke around a bit during lulls between guests. I've thought he might be a little interested in me, but there had been no major overtures. Also, I think he’s attractive.



We had a weird incident with a guest. Afterward, he was like "I'm never gonna forget this day. Also, because I've had fun with you." FIRST MISSED CLUE

有个客人跟我们闹得很不愉快。过后,这家伙跟我说:“我绝对忘不了今天了,也是因为咱俩今天玩儿得很开心啊。” 脑子宕机一次

He and I close the restaurant with our manager. He asks where I catch the train and it turns out his stop is close to mine. He says "OK. We'll walk together." No bigs. I walk to the train with my coworkers often.

昨晚我俩和经理打烊下班。他问我在哪儿坐地铁,结果发现他要去的地铁站隔我的很近。他就说:“正好,我们可以一起走啊!” 呃......也不是什么大事儿,我经常和同事们一起去地铁站。

Manager locks the doors, all three of us are standing around outside bullsh* for a few minutes. Dude server goes "We've gotta get going. Goodnight, manager." OKAY HERE’S A SECOND CLUE MA’AM

经理把餐厅门锁上之后,我们仨站在外头又唠了会儿嗑。这家伙说:“我们得走了。晚安啦经理。” 很好!错失良机两次了 女士

Dude and I start walking to the train. As we're getting close, he pulls out his phone and says "It's only 11. You wanna get a drink?" I say sure, unthinking. Post-work drinks are a benign thing, right? I've gone out with other servers before. Not one-on-one, no. But, it's cool, babies. Don't worry. This is super normal.

我和他一起往地铁站走。快到的时候,他拿出手机,说:“才11点诶,要不要喝一杯?” 我说:“好啊”,啥也没想。下班喝个酒又不是啥坏事儿,对吧?我之前也和别的服务生出去喝过酒啊,虽然不是只有两个人,但没事儿的吧。别瞎想了,这很正常。


I haven't lived in this city long, so I told him to pick a place. He suggests a bar and we start walking. We're talking and as we approach the bar, he's like "It's a cool place. Quiet. Nice. We can talk." THIRD CLUE, IDIOT

因为我在这个城市待的时间不长,所以我就叫他来选地方。他说了一个酒吧,我们就开始往那边走。边走边聊,他说:“那地方挺好的,又安静,咱俩可以说话。” 第三次啦!你傻吗

He opens all the doors for me. Pulls out my chair. At this point, I'm kind of comprehending what I've gotten myself into, but am not sure I'm right. He and I look at the drink menu, talk about what we're going to order.


The bartender comes over and he orders both our drinks, mine first. I turn to him and say "Oh, you didn't have to order my drink for me. I could've done that."


This poor kid's face turns in on itself like I've just said his grandma had to work hard to send him birthday money. He shrugs, turns red, and looks away.


IT IS AT THIS MOMENT I FULLY REALIZE THAT I HAVE F* UP. I am on a (surprise to me) half-date and I have just hurt a person's feelings.

